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Monday, July 9, 2012

How To Remove Cellulite

Cellulite is one of the most frequently attacked women. Could interfere with the appearance of cellulite and make yourself even more insecure. This one problem is not just happening to people who are overweight but also in women who have the ideal body shape and thinness. Here are natural ways to remove cellulite. Not need surgery to remove cellulite. Just follow these 10 ways to be cellulite away from you:



This method is not very natural but it does not involve a knife in his care. Initially, this treatment is used to remove the scar but can now be used to tighten skin and reduce cellulite. The instrument used to destroy fat cells so as to stretch the fiber kolage and improve circulation. If you want a permanent, maintenance is required at least 10 times.

Healthy food
Healthy food

Note the current menu will eat. Avoid foods that contain saturated fats such as fried foods. Rice only fill a quarter of the size of the meal. Make sure your diet contains carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water which can improve the performance of the skin for easy disposal of dirt and sweat out.

Drink a lot of water

Drink a lot of water

6-8 glasses a day is very important to remove excess sodium in the body so that fluid retention can be reduced. If drinking water boring, drink herbal teas or pure fruit juice. Plenty of fluids will help you lather.

avoid stress

Cortisol, a stress hormone that can make the skin become thin and also increase fat storage. Stress will also cause hormonal changes that may affect the health of the skin due to hormone production of healthy skin growth slowed.

Body scrub

You also need to remove dead skin cells are stuck to the skin. Rub the body by using a scrub or in the bath will help remove dead skin cells.

do exercise

The sixth way you can do is exercise. Do not let your weight increases because it might worsen the appearance of cellulite. Incorporate cardiovascular exercise program with resistance of feet. This will make the cellulite less but take more than a week but the benefits are not just for the skin but also for health.


Look for a masseuse that is able to release the fat. Masseuse can make the muscles become more relaxed, improving blood circulation and also to overcome certainly cellulite.

Use a moisturizer

Creams can indeed help, but only be maximized when combined with proper diet and exercise. Look for a moisturizer that is deliberately designed to increase collagen production. Use twice a day for maximum results.

Quit smoking
Quit smoking

Cigarettes will flood the body with toxins. It will also cut off circulation to the skin so that food any worse cellulite. Elasticity of the skin would be reduced making it easier wrinkles and sagging.

Consume lots of protein and essential fatty acids

Foods that contain lots of fatty acid will stop the loss of fat cells so that it will reduce cellulite. Source of food with high content of fatty acids is fish oil, walnut, flaxseed, blackcurrant seed, and olives. While the protein contains albumin which would help absorb the excess liquid as in fish, nuts, tofu and poultry.

It's the way's to Remove cellulite...hopeful this article helpful...:)

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